Boundless Identity and Art

Chen Lok Lee, Portrait II, Color Lithograph 图像:李阐洛(Chen Lok Lee),自画像二,彩色石版画。

It is not lost on me that I am launching my father’s legacy project at a time when anti-Asian sentiment is at an all time high in the U.S. I hope I can use this platform as a way to highlight the role that Asian American and Asian immigrant artists like my father played in creating a more beautiful, just, free and harmonious world.

Many had difficulty wrapping their heads around the fact that my father was a Tyler School of Art and Tamarind Institute trained printmaker influenced by abstract expressionism, but he was also trained in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy. The (art) world tends to box people in based on what they choose and want to see, and my observation is that he was more appreciated for his Chinese-style paintings, which in my opinion, set limitations on who he was.

His artist statement below tells me that he was courageously and skillfully crossing borders and boundaries with his training and style. Should we be defined by who people think we are, or want us to be, or should we aspire for who we know to be our true selves?




                  李阐洛(Chen Lok Lee)